Worldtour of our calendar

Here’s an impression of how our feng shui calendars of 2020 and 2021 travelling around the world!

Flying to my new house in Spain
Yolanda – December 2022

Museum of Napoleon
Vera – Ajaccio/Corsica, October 2021

Napoleon himself & our calendar
Vera – Ajaccio/Corsica, October 2021

Enjoying the last sun of the Autumn
Vera – Bastia/Corsica, October 2021

Harbour of Basia
Vera – Bastia/Corsica, October 2021

Calendar arrived well in Lisbon.
Clémence – Lisbon, March 2021

Gong Xi Fa Cai! Best wishes for a healthy, successful and prosperous year of the Metal Ox!
Here some pics from your calendar in Chinatown in Singapore. Nathalie – Singapore, Jan. 2021

Compliments! Each year is more precious. Calendar among the beauties of the historic center of Palermo. Anna-Franca – Palermo, Oct. 2020

Enjoy using your wonderful calendar every day.
Janene – Australia, Jan.2021

The very nice calendar just arrived in Paris!
Colette – Paris, Oct. 2020

Calendar 2021 is starting his new Worldtour.
Vera – Bremen, Oct. 2020

Hanging out in Canadian winter!
Gee – Jan. 2020

Canadien Forest, Cochrane.
Gee – Jan. 2020

Experienceing in the wilderness chi with Canandien Polar bears. Gee – Jan. 2020

Cathedral of Münster, 12.12.2019

Waterfall Jumper in the Mall of Dubai. Nov. 2019

Buj Kaliffah Tower, Dubai. Nov. 2019

Haute Cuisine french fries, Gent.
Yolanda – Belgium, 24.11.2019

Ancient Gent.
Yolanda – Belgium, 24.11.2019

The journey starts.
Vera – Bremen, 08.11.2019

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